I recently moved from Win95b to Win98, and have a couple (!?) of
problems. (Cyrix 200+/64 meg Ram)

1- my dialup only works half the time - have reinstalled the ISP
provided script etc and used the Win Internet wizard, but can't get
a consistent dialup. "failure to negotiate..." ...BSOD in "VXD
module". etc. Sometimes the old connection works, sometimes
the new one, haven't figured out why or when.

2- My latest problem is on and off failures in TGIUL95.drv, in various
programs, some like Word 97 won't load, period, at times, but OK
the next minute, but are OK in safe mode. When I first installed
Win98 there was no problem with these programs. 3 days later the
problems started.

thanks in advance,

Michael Beechey, a Canuck in Sucre, Bolivia
"The Earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens"

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