Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 18:00:47 -0700
From: Ken Follett <[log in to unmask]>
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Organization: Drumlin Enterprises
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To: "Hilary L. Hopper" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Bumper Sticker
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Foccer? Fchool? Oh, yef. I remember! And then after the game we ate chili and corn
bread. Fhaman ftill play by freak rulef. Brother more ufed to it now and leff miffed
at game. I think he figuref he can't change it and the whirled muft need it. I think
hif wife a bit peeved I rewrote paffage from Bible at their wedding, though.

Hilary L. Hopper wrote:

> This takes me back to when we used to play Freaks Rules soccer after school
> (1969). Remember Ken? We would drive your brother crazy because he wanted to
> play by the rules (like, there was a line beyond which balls were out of
> bounds). Every time we broke a rule (continuously) he would get mad and
> stalk around? Does he remember? What I am saying here Bullamankers, is that
> Fhaman Ken'f decifionf are based on Freakf Rulef and will prevail!!
>         Yourf, etc.,
>         Hilary LH

][<en Follett
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