Hi all
I bought a WD 4.3 disk to add to my existing WD 425 MB. I installed the 4.3 as the primary slave and the old disk as the primary master. CMOS detected and configured correctly. The new disk came formatted and partitioned, D, E and F, with Dos 6.22 on the main partition (D). I set Lastdrive to "Z" in config.sys.

Now the problems start. Working off my old disk, my original Dos 6.22 detects all partitions on the new disk, but Windows detects only the "D" partition.
The cd-rom is configured to D, but in "My Computer" the new disk exists as D and the cd-rom isn't represented.

I also tried installing the new disk as Secondary Master on the secondary interface, with the same results. I was advised to reinstall Windows, but I'd like some more opinions.

Is drive letter D causing the problem? I'm running Win 95 on a Pentium 133.
Solutions, ideas, observations appreciated.

Marc Guise

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