I have begun studying for the A+ and found what I think to be a good
book. It is called "All-In-One A+ Certification Exam Guide" by Michael
Meyer, McGraw Hill Publishing. It lists for $57 and I picked it up on
sale for $38 at Micro Center. It contains a CD with practice exams and is
up to date for the 1998 version of the exam. It is not an easy one to
find. Micro Center was the only store that carried it. I hope this helps.

Paul Sprague
Sprague Computer Services

On Fri, 23 Oct 1998 17:36:02 -0800 David Gillett <[log in to unmask]>
>  In the meantime, though, I've received 6-8 messages asking (a) what
>resources I used, and (b) what I recommend.  Rather than reply
>individually to everyone, here's the basic poop:
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