I came across this news brief when going through some of my news mail
this evening. Click on the link that follows it to read the full version
of the article, and read what it says about cooked meat in particular.


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - People who quit eating steaks for health
reasons, but still eat chicken and fish may still have a higher risk
of colon cancer, researchers say. They said so-called white meat is
no less likely to cause cancer than "red meat." But the more peas and
beans a person eats, the lower the risk of colon cancer. The
strongest (food-related) risk factor was found for total meat intake,
they added. Genetic makeup can also affect a person's risk of colon
cancer. A study found people who said they ate red meat once a week
had a 38% higher risk of colon cancer than those who ate no meat.
People who reported sometimes eating white meat had a 55% higher risk
of colon cancer compared with vegetarians. See