On Mon, 26 Oct 1998 10:21:12 -0500, Wade H. Reeser <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>At 02:46 PM 10/22/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Actually his modus operendi has been to post a few nutritional refs from
>the USDA database, mention some research available in obscure jounal in
>German and not respond to criticisms.

Hello Wade,
do you think about a special criticism i didn't respond to?
Please tell me what you have in mind, then i'll try to declare my
position on it.

Are you regarding USDA as not reliable, and not considering
Loren Cordaine as a competent researcher on the paleolithicum?
On something we *have* to base our opinions and assumptions.
I try as far as possible
 to make conclusions that are open to
anybody based on proven, commonly accepted or probable data.
And i try to think in probabilities as long as theories are not
proven as facts.

