<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello all,

Thanks for your kind supportive responds to my summary (Absorption) !

Today I had two phonecalls:
- the MD who did the gastroscopy stated I was no celiac because the mucous
membrane and the villi of the smal intestine were O.K.  The Vitamin B 12
absorption problem could lie in the last part of the smal intestine, which
is not covered by the gastroscopy. I could X-Ray this part of the smal
intestine to see wheter some inflammatory proces is going on.

- the contactperson of the german celiac organisation told me that it still
is possible that I'm a celiac, cause the Gastroscopy doesn't cover the last
part of the small intestine and sometimes there and only there lies the
problem. This cannot be checked by some test, also not by endoscopy. The
only possibility is to do the GF diet for at least 6 months and see if my
condition gets better.

So we decided I'll continue GF diet (I started 10 days ago). She
interpreted the fact that the flatulence decreased after the GF start as a
hint on celiac.

Tomorrow I'l visit her and we'll have a more detailed conversation about
the whole problem.

So maybe I'll know more in 6 months........

And meanwhile I'll maybe let the intestine X-rayed to check the vitamin B
12 problem.

When I know more on this puzzle  I'll let you know.

Best wishes
