I am looking for some configuration advice.

The contestants: WesternDigital 38400 8.4GB IDE UDMA2 Hard Disk, BTC 36X IDE
UDMA2 CD-ROM, and a Iomega Zip IDE Mode0 drive.

What is the best configuration regarding which ports to connect what to, if
any.  In the past I simply put the hard disk on the primary IDE and the
CD-ROM on the secondary IDE ports.   However, with more devices coming in
IDE flavors, I am wondering if there are any rules of thumb for the best
configurations/performance regarding the devices.  I am interested in a
specific answer for this configuration, but I would really like the "why",
if there are any rules of order.

Follow Up Question:  I can already see this getting messier.  For example:
Hard Disk, CD-ROM, Zip Drive, & IDE TapeBackup.  Which is why I am more
interested in the details.

Any web resources?

Thank you for your courtesy,

Richard Micko
Clipper Computer, Inc.
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