Greetings and communications Larry & all--
-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Fisk <[log in to unmask]>

>I found some Cardinal 28.8 internal v.34 voice faxmodems with
>upgrade to 33.6 for a good price.
> Cardinal's site says all of their 28.8 modems are flash
Having used a Cardinal MVP-288i purchased new in 1994 and
subsequently flashed, I concur with the other poster
(sorry...forgot the name). The modem is consistent, flashed
easily, was readily detected by Win95 (more than once), and
continues to be a reliable "workhorse". If you can get a really
good deal on a number of them, by all means grab 'em.


Paul A. Shippert        Library/Media Specialist
"There is no dark side of the moon really . . .
  matter of fact, it's all dark."  Pink Floyd
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