>1) Who in your immediate family has allergic reaction to milk, and how severe is it? For each family member listed, answer questions 2-7.

My younger son *was* allergic to milk for the first year of his life,
along with soy and peas, and several grains.  May be or have been allergic
to peanuts as well.

>2) How long was the person breast fed with no supplemental bottles? (If supplemental bottles were given for the first week, but then the child was nursed without supplemental bottles for the next year, please indicate that).

supplemental bottles of breast milk at 2 mos
he got supplemental bottles of alimentum (hydrolized casein, no soy, no corn)
at ~ age 3 mos while I tried to clear all his allergens out of my diet
This lasted about 1 month, then we went back to only breastmilk.  This
exercise helped confirm that he was reacting to items in my diet and helped
him be healthier while I figured out what they were and cleared them from
my system.

>3) How long did the mother follow a dairy free diet, if at all (include time while pregnant and while nursing)?

not at all while pregnant

mom strictly dairy-free during nursing from 3 mos to 1 year of age
(also soy-free, peanut-free, pea-free)

tried a brief experiment with returning dairy to the diet at 6 months with
bad results; tried again at 1 year with good results.

>4) After weaning, what formula was the child put on?


>5) When were any foods containing dairy first introduced to the child (i.e. first had cheese at 4 months, etc)

15 months, after successful reintroduction into mom's diet.

>6) When and how did the person's dairy allergy first show up?

reacted to dairy in mom's diet with blood in stool and GE reflux.

>7) If the person is your child, what would you have done differently while pregnant, nursing, or during the first two years of life, if anything?

avoided peanuts during 3rd trimester and nursing (we suspect a possible
peanut allergy as well, but will not challenge until he is 3)

avoided dairy from birth, but not sure about during pregnancy

>8) For family members not afflicted with dairy allergy, how long was the person breast fed with no supplemental bottles?

had a few ounces of milk formula in his first few days (couldn't latch on)
then nothing but mom until 1 year of age.

>9) For family members not afflicted with dairy allergy, how long did the mother follow a dairy free diet, if at all (include time while pregnant and while nursing).

not at all.