On Thu, 24 Sep 1998 18:33:01 -0400 janet rosenbaum
<[log in to unmask]> writes:

>if your symptoms are the same type as mine (and it sounds like they
>my nutritionist says that allergy medication can help.  i find that my
>problems are very mild unless i eat dairy multiple times in a row, so
>you may be okay eating it when unavoidable.

Mine are far from mild.  I've reacted badly to dairy in a hamburger bun.
I've reacted mildly to a piece of buttered, grilled toast that was merely
laying on my steak at a restaurant.  I quickly removed it, but still had
a stomach ache that night.  Subtle exposures usually give me a mild bout
of gastric distress.  More pronounced exposure has feeling like I have
the worst case of food poisoning!  I feel bad for days after the initial
vomitting and diarrhea.

I've tried allergy meds and antacids - neither seem to be miracle cures
but possibly cut down the reaction.

Kathy P.

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