Harold E. Schumacher, Jr. wrote:
> Hello all--
>     I just did a clean install of Windows 98 and am not sure how to import bookmarks and addresses into Outlook Express (wish it could be Outlook 98, but couldn't get to that web page all weekend; free period expired?).
>     Anyway, I thought I backed up these files correctly, but maybe that's where my problems began.  I was using Communicator and Windows 95.  I took what I thought were the correct files to diskettes; address.htm and bookmark.htm  .
>     How do I get these files and data back into Outlook Express?  When I go to the "import" section, it won't allow me to pick a file, I have to identify a program to import from!
>     Help please?
> Thanks.
> Harold E. Schumacher, Jr.
MSIE doesn't store address book and bookmarks...err...favorites as HTML
files. There are probably 3rd party utilities that can do this. Or, if
you still have a version of Netscape, copy these files to Program
Files|Netscape|Communicator|Users and import from there. MS loves to
take Netscape users...they make it real easy. You may have to install a
copy of Netscape to accomplish this, but it's a better browser anyway.


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