Walter -  just a followup. You post makes it clear to me that parts of
the Myths article need editing for clarity, and to be more precise.

Walter and Rex --

Thank you both for you posts and suggestions. I will consider them when
I revise the Myths article at some time in the future. Thank you also
for your civility and courtesy, and for respecting the copyrights.


The Myths article was written over a year ago, before Beyond Vegetarianism
was envisioned. It is not a detailed scientific article, like some
that are being written for the site. I assure you that the site, when
it opens will have some new science-based articles. Further, there is
a note at the front of the article, saying that it does not provide the refs
for the claims; that scientific evidence for (some) claims will be
provided in other articles on the full site. So, if you expect this
specific article to be a major scientific paper, you will be disappointed.

Let me remind readers that some raw food claims are amenable to scientific
validation -- e.g., such claims as "apes are pure fruitarians (i.e., no
fauna in their diet)" can be, and are, disproven by field research on apes.
Other claims, e.g. "fruitarianism is better (or worse, you prefer :-) )
than natural hygiene". For such claims there is only anecdotal data, so we
get to the question of whose anecdotal evidence to believe. I mention this
because some of the myths mentioned in the article, may fall in this
category (e.g., right now there is no evidence, other than anecdotes, on
longevity of rawists).

I mention the above because portions of the Myths article were posted
on another list (in violation of copyright, i.e., a form of "intellectual
theft"). Said list, in my opinion, is a forum for crank science.
In that unapproved posting, many claims in the article were met with
a demand for "proof". In light of the note at the front of the article
saying that proof would be supplied later (said note was not included in
the post on the other list), repetitive demands for proof are, in my
opinion, intellectually dishonest (in context).

So, let me close by saying that I welcome all civil suggestions to improve
the article. I thank Rex and Walter for their inputs.

Tom Billings