Instead of
>elimination diets etc. a good allergist and a referral to a
dermatologist will
>help you determine what is the cause.

I agree that a board certified allergist is essential to proper
diagnosis and treatment.  Most pediatricians do not have a complete and
adequate knowledge of food allergies.

Regarding a food elimination diet or food challenge, I can only speak
from my experience.  We were told by our Allergist and GI Specialist
that this was the gold standard of identifying food allergies.  I may be
mixing up terms here but basically what we did was a food challenge.  If
something caused a reaction it was eliminated from my sons diet.  We try
a new food every four days.  We wait four days because it can sometimes
take that long to show a reaction. If a food causes a mild reaction we
wait a few months before trying it again.  Milk and eggs have caused
serious reactions so they have been completely eliminated from his diet.

This food challenge has been monitored very closely by my sons GI,
allergist and nutritionist.  I do not suggest that any parent do this
without medical supervision.

(Michael 11/7/95, eosinophilic esophagitis, food allergies, asthma)

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