<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Could someone offer some advice on how to handle some social
situations...graciously? The last month or two at work has been a
regular string of presentations or celebrations of one kind or another.
I have been GF for almost a year now, but find myself becoming more and
more irritated by watching everyone else feasting on non-GF goodies. I
work in a relatively small facility and most everyone knows my situation
but the stupid, insensitive comments are endless. I know they mean well
and I guess I'll just have to toughen up but I can't help feeling
somewhat exasperated right now (just came back from another
one...pastries this time). I'm certainly not adverse to bringing my own
treat if I know there is a celebration coming up. I'm trying to be
gracious, but feel like I'm going to scream at the next person who tells
me...wow, this is really good...etc., etc.  Will this get easier in
time? Any good comments to make? Any advice would be greatly
