Nieft / Secola expressed curiosity about Ellie's comment that she buys "range
fed" chicken that come from near NYC:

> are the animals range fed during the winter in NY?

Kirt, she probably meant to say *free range*.   This implies a system where
the birds roost in a gated coop (for predator security), but have free access
to pasture during the day.  OTOH, I and Susan Defelice, who I mentioned
earlier, raise ours in moveable, bottomless cages.  Even though the caged
birds are moved to fresh grass frequently, they can't properly be labeled
"free range."  A point here is that in both cases the birds have constant
access to dry feed (commercial in the worst case and organic in the best).

Finally, I suspect the NY farmer, just as Susan and I, only runs his meat
chickens in batches---generally from April to October.  Meat chickens take
about 8 weeks to mature.  Layers kept over winter must always have access to
dry feed as the ground is not only often snow-covered in this area, but the
grass, and associated insect life, are sparse.

Hope you don't mind me stepping in here, Ellie.

Rex Harrill