the latest issue (July 1998, 28(10)), of "The East Bay Monthly",
a free newspaper widely distributed in the East Bay area of
the San Francisco Bay area (Oakland, Berkeley, etc.) has an
interview with long-time fitness guru, Jack LaLanne. Jack is
84 nowadays, and still going strong.

The interview is on pg. 34; a few tidbits are as follows

* Jack experimented with drinking blood as part of his fitness regimen.
He stopped after the anti-coagulant stopped working and he kept
getting blood clots stuck in his throat.

* Jack grew up here in Berkeley

* He says sugar destroys your B-vitamins.

* He is a former junk-food junkie, and twice tried to kill his
brother with an ax.

Anyway, if you have access to the "Monthly" you will find the
interview an entertaining read.

P.S. admittedly there is little about raw foods in the above -
but I thought some here would find the above of interest.

Tom Billings