Hi Roy,

I had my fillings removed a little over two years ago. It was one of the best things I've ever done for my health (see my intro. message under subject Hi, I'm New!). In my case it was obvious the effect Hg was having on my health, especially how I got worse at first during the removal process and then dramatically better.

Among the various benefits were a cure of my chronic off and on sore throats, and, within the past year, with help with diet and probiotic supplements, apparent disappearance of yeast-related problems. I can now eat a good quantity of fruit of any type. I do believe I still have some bacterial imbalance, in part an aftereffect from the Hg exposure.

OTOH, I do know a few people who had their fillings out for health reasons, and didn't notice any short or long-term differences in their health status.
