Hi Janis,

I first increased from 400 to 1200 mg elemental Mg, then after a week up to 1800 mg (in 3 divided doses, with half as much Ca and some other supplements). It was a godsend in helping me out of a very bad place and get poison out of my system. Over the short term, such doses are fairly safe for anyone unless they have renal problems. Over the long term, if one really needs supplementation, I think it is best to work with an MD (which I am not) to try to 'balance' out all of the nutrient doses (if that really is possible !!!).

Now it appears, 2+ years later, I may have no need for supplemental Mg at all with my current diet. I had tapered down on all supplements, and discontinued them all about 10 days ago. Before I would notice a certain irritability when I missed taking the supplements - in particular Mg - for even a day, but I have had no letdown since stopping the supplementation. It could have something to do with going to 90% raw foods during the same period too <g>.

HTH, Paul