We have added another sample article to the "Beyond Vegetarianism"
web site, URL:  < http://www.beyondveg.com >. The article is titled
"Idealism vs. Realism", and is an edited version of material posted
to the raw-food and veg-raw e-mail groups, in Summer of last year.

I invite you to visit the site, both now and later, when it opens in
full.  Speaking of opening in full: while a significant amount of
(new) material is complete for the site, work on the remaining
articles is taking more time than expected. (We appreciate your
patience. Putting together in-depth articles on alternative diets,
that are referenced to published scientific papers, as a number of
the articles on the site will be doing, takes considerable time
for research, review, and fact-checking.) Site opening is now
projected for the October/November timeframe.

Tom Billings

Beyond Vegetarianism, URL:  < http://www.beyondveg.com >