    This may be off base for this list, but I'm going to give it a go.  I'm
setting up a 28 workstation computer lab at my school in a classroom that
has two 20 amp circuits.  The computers will be 200w P166's, and the lab
will also house a PII server, HP 4000 printer, HP 870 printer, LCD projector
and a good floor fan (the room has a southern exposure and heats up rather
nicely).  The head of our district maintenance dept called me tonight with
concerns that two 20 amp circuits might be insufficient for what we're
trying to do.  The building was completely rebuilt in 1992 so that the
wiring meets all current standards.
    Are we going to be in trouble if we don't increase the circuits and
wiring to that room?  I tend to think not as computers are not that power
hungry during usage.  It's the initial powering up that exerts a load.  Any
thoughts on the matter would be much appreciated.

chuck finnigan
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