on 25. July 1998 01:32 Chuck Cooley wrote

>These were from laptops that I upgraded to larger drives.
>I was wondering if there is anything available that will allow me to use
>these as an external backup unit or use them in a desktop that has a

Hi Chuck,

Your basic cable for hooking up notebook HDs is a standard IDE cable
with extra power supply wires, I looked all over the place but I couldn't
find the wiring plan (If you could see my desk, you'd know why) but if
you want, you can order an adapter for hooking one up to a normal
IDE cable from

Conrad Electronic
Klaus-Conrad-Street 1
92240 Hirschau

Part Nr.97414544

Yes I know it's in germany, but you might want to consider this is a last
resort if you can't find it in your local electronics store.

wish you luck,

Rick Swartz