On Mon, 29 Jun 1998 23:39:39 -0700 Mark Rode <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>I have  a Seagate EIDE Mode 4 850 meg drive. It is partitioned as one
>extended with two equal logical drives.
>BIOS sees the drive ,posts and boots but I can not access the drive. I
>receive a Invalid drive specification message.
>As soon as I run the Seagate on another board every thing is fine!
>Anybody have any ideas?

      Can I assume the drive is LBA  -  AND in the  various system(s)
      Could be you found one of those different "flavors" of LBA
       that  will only run a drive on a system it was set up on...
       I thought this happened  more on software driven controller cards.
              Rick Glazier

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