I gotta tell U something, James...

 JM> Second question, has anyone successfully overclocked the AMD K6 200? I
 JM> tried upping the internal multiplier (would start to boot but then
 JM> strange things happened to the display) and the bus speed (to 75 MHz
 JM> -- nothing at all). While happy with the board/CPU combination,
 JM> looking for a few more cycles for those graphics I have been scanning.
    I tried to overclock it (I have a K6-200 Stepping 1 = the first model of
K6) but the same happends to me. I have a i430VX made by Acorp. A friend of
mine with a mobo i430TX (Acorp too) seems like got it right, but he said the
CPU was getting too hot.

    Bye bye, James !

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