> > Actually, any substance, or behavior, can be addicting. I could have an
> > addiction to biting my nails, or always stepping around a certain spot on the
> > rug,

> You are so right in my opinion. Much of my view on addiction comes from
> personal experience, but also from correlating my research in biological
> psychiatry with Tilden and Sheltons discoveries about toxicosis as the
> cause of disease. Anything the body cannot use is a stimulant, and all
> stimulants are toxic and addicting. People who have repressed their
> emotions in childhood have toxic levels of neurochemicals in their
> brain. Stimulants trigger detox crises and therefore, people with toxic
> brains crave stimulants. They get a high from them. Its irony that the
> very thing that triggers a needed detox is a poison. Most addicts have
> to continue abusing whatever, a drug or biting their nails, until the
> pain is so bad, they want to get help. I  don't remember if I went into
> this in the version of my paper I sent you.

P.S. Stimulants can be psychological, they have the same effect on the
chemistry on the brain as any addicting drug. Compulsively trying to
convert you to my views would be stimulating and addicting.