>A RAF potluck?! what a disgusting idea! Anyway, I'd like to have the
>adress and face you, cooked eater!

Jeff, you are very welcome to attend.  Email me (privately) your phone
number, and I will give you a call and the information you need.  It is too
late for this potluck but if after attending the potluck on Sunday you
decide you can put up with all the raw animal foods that you will be faced
with and you want to give a presentation on your experience of 30 years on
a raw fruitarian diet, we would very happy to oblige and listen to what you
have to share.  We have several vegans who attend our potlucks, including
one who has been a raw vegan for 45 years, so you need not worry about
sticking out as a sore thumb. :) We also enjoy raw plant foods at our
potlucks but do discourage anybody to bring fruits.  However, we will make
an exception in your case especially if you bring a couple of durians. ;-)

I hope to hear from you soon.

Best, Peter
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