On 30 Jun 98 at 11:55, Mark Rode wrote:

> ... but now I realize if both dives run at mode I will be slowing
> things down on the CD ROM.

  Probably not true.  The original reason for recommending that
CD-ROM drives not be on the same channel as your hard drive was
because many early CD-ROM drives only supported mode 1 -- and so
would force the whole channel to mode 1.  [In your case, the old hard
drive is having similar effect on the channel.]

  Your drive is new enough that it supports mode 3 in an effort to
avoid that.  But it's what, 8x?  It's theoretical maximum
throughput is 8x150K = 1.2 MBps, only a fraction of the bandwidth
provided by mode 1.
  So I don't believe that running this drive at mode 1 rather than
mode 3 will perceptibly slow anything down.

> Actually it does work ...

  I'd check to make sure you can see the full 650 MB of a crowded
disk.  I seem to recall that some CD-ROM drives, on an IDE
controller, could only see about 500 MB on a disk.

David G