<< Well Jeff, at least no one has to worry about you eating your friends and
>> family like they have to with us wimpy, passive raw meat-eaters...

>>violence and meat eating go togethar, particularily if it is raw and has the
>>adrenilin in it in good shape. Eating the hormones of animals causes
>>reactions in the host...

>In the 1970's I read a book by an English author entitled Sugar, blank and
>the Criminal Mind. It predated Dufty's book Sugar Blues. Can't recall the
>exact title. His premise was that sugar refined was the source of all
>violent evils.
>Also, Carl Schultz wrote an article for Acres, The Eco-Agricultural Journal
>(again in the 1970's or 80's) on a visit he made to a prison to talk to
>some of the hard core. He asked them how many had a BM daily and no one
>raised their hand. He kept upping the time and thought the guys were
>uncooperative until he got up to about 2 weeks. Then more men began raising
>their hands. Long and short, he attributed the 'violent behavior' to

Kind Regards,
Sheila Shea