since i mad the choice to eat more raw foods i feel better and more alert

this is what i've done so far:
first i just added eating more raw things like - carrots, cauliflower,
salads, apples, grapes, oranges, grapefruits, cucumbers, radishes (and a
few other) i wasn't making any kind of dish, just snacking and eating less cooked
and process foods

now three months into this i now make fruit smoothies for dinner
i use almost any kind of fruit (peaches, blueberries, strawberries,
bananas) with a little milk (1/2 to 1 cup at most) and some wheat germ
and spirulena and whatever else tastes good

i blend it all together and have 3 - 4 glasses for dinner, hmmmm good

i wake up in the morning feeling good, not grogeee or tired, i seem to
have more energy, less achy, and i am still detoxing but feeling the
effect of that less

i just thought id share for those who are new and just starting out
any questions please ask them

k(no)w one