Hi Susan,

<< I was just wondering how many International Units in a mg? On the vitamin
bottle Vitamin A is measured in IU and also the D3 and the Vitamin E. All the
rest is in milligrams. Why?>>

They are not convertable, as far as I know. Usually the fat soluble vitamins
are measured in IU's (A, E, D, K) and the water soluble vitamins, and
minerals, are measured by weight (B's, C, and the minerals and other
phytonutrients) using the metric system (milligrams, grams, or micrograms).

<< Also, what is pantothenic acid and D3 (or cholecalciferol)? >>

Pantothenic acid is vitamin B5, or calcium pantothenate. It is plentiful in
meat, organs, nuts, and greens, is destroyed by heat. Sometimes it is
suspected as a key deficiency in cases of hypoglycemia, and it plays a
critical role in many nervous
system functions, adrenal functioning, and glucose metabolism.

Are you considering taking supplements?

Love, Liza
[log in to unmask] (L:iza May)