Hi All,

 It find it very telling
>that of the Vietnam vets who were in combat, only the ones who had
>dysfunctional backgrounds were afflicted with PTSD (post traumatic stress
>syndrome) when they came home after the war.  They were defenseless to the
>horror of the war and took it personally because with their previous

>painful experiences in life, their systems short circuited under the
>compounded overload.

I hope there are no combat Vietnam Vets on this list, because they would be
insulted by the above untrue statements.
PTSD is a NORMAL reaction to abnormal stimuli. In other words the veteran
saw TOO MUCH (horror overload) and reacts accordingly. Because the Veterans
organizations have been infaltrated by Vietnam Vet wannabees the true
picture of PTSD has been clouded by misinformation. Many of the REMFs or
rear echelon mutha fuckas who saw no action also cloud the issue with
statements like ''Vietnam didn't affect me" so everyone else must have had
crummy childhoods.

By the way the Vietnam Vets were never officially honoured and had to
construct their own memorial and organize their own parades.

Sorry to be off-topic, but this little point had to be cleared up.
