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Error - unable to initiate communication with LISTSERV (errno=10054, phase=RECEIVE, target= The server is probably not started. LISTSERV - RAW-FOOD Archives - LISTSERV.ICORS.ORG

<< Well Jeff, at least no one has to worry about you eating your friends and
 family like they have to with us wimpy, passive raw meat-eaters...
violence and meat eating go togethar, particularily if it is raw and has the
adrenilin in it in good shape. Eating the hormones of animals causes reactions
in the host. This is why warriors in India and the ruling class ate meat,
priest and all the other caste did not. So the warrior class needed to be able
to perform acts of extreme violence to other humans, and it is also a common
trait of rulers. Most people there are at least partial vegetarians. This is a
major reason that Calcutta with a population of 22 million has a murder rate
of less than Easley, South Carolina with a population of less than 10
thousand.  I ate meat until my 30s and was a good soldier, however in a modern
civilized life, we don't need to be able to kill other humans readily. Eating
meat with the animal hormones in it causes this to be a typical trait. Eating
only plant foods does not cause abnormal rises in violent behavior. The few
acts of violence done by vegetarians, and these are very few, are usually
intentional, not the rash act of a person, not really mad at the victum, but
mad, because they just ate a steak. Eat veggies--- promote world peace
