<< So, flax would seem a better choice, but then it was also my understanding
 that some people have trouble producing adequate amounts of long-chain fatty
 acids from flax or leafy greens, like myself apparently, and require them
pre- formed from fish or wild game as humans have traditionally done for thousands
 if not millions of years.

The truth is we dont know exactly what our ancestors ate. We do know that
until this century the human diet was about 95% vegetarian. We can go long
periods of time with no animal foods. Some of us choose to go for lifetimes.
Sure it is possible that some people do have inabilities to make essiential
nutrients, that others make easily. These kinds of things are genetic flaws.
They are not common, but then again they may not be rare either, as in genetic
predispositions to need more vitamin B among some peoples,  or milk
intolerances in others. In seeing patients I scan for all these things.
Certainly I can't do that on line, and anyone with any sort of disorder that
is nutritionally related should see a doctor trained to treat those disorders.
And if you are not capable of manufacturing the other fatty acids from the
ones in flax seed oil, there are other plants, that provide them. It is not
necessary to get them from animal sources.

