Hi folks!

I have four years of experience in the field.  I believe in a raw-food diet.
In fact, I'm part of a Cooperative Community studying the Teachings of Sri
Adi Da (http://www.adidam.org) and we practice raw diet, as best we can.  In
the Community we have well over 25 years of experience and research into
diet, fasting, and health in general.  We have concluded that the fruitarian
diet is the best for us.  Sri Adi Da has also proven it in His own body.  So
I feel that we and you are part of the same family.  We need to spread the
word, especially in these trying times, and the times that are ahead of us.
The diet that we practice and (many of us) that are transitioning to is
called the Minimum Optimum diet (you can read a bit about it at my website
at http://www.radiant-living.com/therapy.htm or at if you can't locate the first one as I'm
transferring my website to another ISP right now).

I have about four years of experience with herbology as well.  My clients
get hooked up to a special computer called an MRM (or Muscle Recruitment
Monitor) and I get to test their body systems before I give them any advice.
Of course I would like all of them to take on fasting, drinking their own
urine, transitioning to a mostly raw diet, but you know how hard it is to
convince the general public, right?  So some of them end up taking the
advice, but sadly, most don't.  Those that do get results.

I feel that in the next year and a half it is of the utmost importance to
get as healthy as we can, to learn how to grow our own (sprouts and so on),
and to subsist on the minimum of food possible.  The Computer Bug (not
really a bug) that will hit when the year rolls over to 2000 will have a big
impact on transportation, banking, power grid (utilities), and all of our
lives.  Some governments may collapse (as well as economies).  This is a
great time for massive cooperation world-wide (as everything is connected,
and will experience a domino effect if cooperation does not happen
world-wide).  So I feel that now is the time to spread the word and the Word
to all and All. (If you wish to read more about the Millenium bug, which is
not some prophesy, but will definitely occur, go to this fellow's website:
http://www.garynorth.com and read).  I myself, prior to becoming a
Nutritionist, have had 10 years of experience in the Computer industry, both
in development (Cobol, etc.), and in PC's (LANs, WANs, etc.).  Everything he
says can be trusted.  As well there is an excellent book covering possible
outage scenarious by Edward Yourdon and his wife (and what to do or think
about doing), called "Time Bomb 2000".  Everyone should read it and get out
there and teach people how to grow their own, and how to prepare for the
COOPERATIVE (hopefully)  times ahead (isn't it funny that cooperation occurs
during crises, almost only?  Sad, but true).

I welcome your feedback.


John Stankiewicz, Nutritionist, Clinic Rep.