Yes, the date nut torte from my recipe book:  Living with Green Power: A
Gourmet Collection of Living Food Recipes is one of the finest raw food
'cakes' I have tasted to date (sorry for the pun)

Simply it is a combination of pecans or filberts and raisins (2 cups each)
food processed with an "s" blade into a 'dough' and pressed into whatever
shape you like,

basted with a date and lemonjuice and lemon zest frosting

and a second layer made with walnuts or soaked almonds and currants (2 cups
each as well) - also processed into a dough and pressed into the second layer.

Decorations can be from flowers, or strawberries or other raw fruits, and it
is great - basically six ingredients - and you could make each layer out of
the same kind of nut and enjoy less food combining if that is an issue.  It is
rich, a little goes a long way.

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ps my book is available for purchase from me for those interested in more

call me at 760  251-7488 if you want to order them