
Thanks for the kind (and funny) advice on my upcoming college experience.  I
defintely appreciate everybody's input.

>Do NOT do that. My strong advice. Change things from now on - let this be
the beginning of a whole new identity.

Exactly.  Your thoughts actually made a lot of sense.  While I don't see
myself playing Conan and trying to whip everyone's ass, I definitely agree
that I should not be intimidated BEFORE I even step onto campus.  I should
be ready to present myself boldy and confidently.

>This can establish how your whole college experience goes, and what patterns you
>fall into there, and what patterns you
>fall into as an adult, and how you choose your mate, your job, etc etc etc.


>Be a monster.


>Will you be able to be on the internet, and this list? I'm looking forward
>to hearing how its going.

Most assuredly.  I might have to re-subscribe with a different address, but
I sure wouldn't miss the goings on of Liza, Kirt, Peter, Roberta, etc.

(Confident) Regards,
