Liza May wrote:
> <<   One ate just what he needed. .....The other ate what he needed and
> gathered extra and stored it.>>

> Frank , what you have described here I would not call greed, I would call it
> good thinking! I don't think its greedy to plan ahead and take care of
> yourself.

That is my point. The same activity can be perceived to be greedy or
careful planning. It is a matter of perception. The greedy persons
survival behavior got out of control. It is like an addiction. I have
know a number of rich people who felt they were poor. Greed is not an
evil attribute of a person, it is one persons perception of anothers. I
think we can make more progress in the world by viewing a greedy person
as a sick or confused person who needs education.

> <<  The greedy one had just enough stored to allow him to survive but the other
> one died.>>

> What I don't understand, is how the person (the first person, who didn't learn
> it as a habit from his parents or the scared and massively confused world
> around him, like we do), how he would have been humanly able to not share his
> portion with his mate. That's what I don't understand.

First of all, this behavior was probably learned way before we were
"human". Secondly the person or animal he did not share with probably
was a rival not a mate.

> << You talked about group survival verses individual survival. I think this is
> the biggest societal problem we have. How do we get people to look at the
> benifit of improving every ones situation instead of just trying to make
> theirs better. If every one could see that educating, feeding and providing a
> good environment for all children would lead to less crime, safer streets,
> less costly health care, and so on, every one would support it and think it
> was cheap.>>

> This to me is calculated, intentional greed and evil, on the largest scale.

> What do you think?

Its like I said earlier, I don't believe in intentional greed and evil.
Simply misguided souls.
