Dear Liza:
   Just a note to thank you for your insightful posts and lucid writing
style.  I'm not sure where you live, but here in Southern California, Santa
Monica to be exact, this class distinction is very apparent.  However, the
muscle building community here is very attuned to nutrition, only it is
their version!  Lot's of egg whites, sweet potatoes, protein drinks.
   I was just informed that in the L.A. Times this morning, it was cited
that physical weight increase is on the rise.  That 40% of the Americal
public is overweight.  Staggering.. We have the greatest resources on this
planet, and, unfortunately, the mass media marketing machines as well...
   Anyway, keep up the good work.

>At other times I've thought there is a class issue going on - where the
>excercise community (and team sports, etc) is more middle class, and
>hamburgers (and meat eating in general) are a badge of this and a source of
>pride; whereas the "health" community is the more privliged upper-middle
>class who can afford disposable income expenditures on alternative health
>modalities, and can not only pay attention to nutrition but can afford to buy
>superior quality food, organic, supplements, etc. Here again the hamburger is
>a symbol, but instead of inspiring pride it's the object of ridicule and the
>embodiment of all the ignorance, corruption, victimization, and mistakes of
>modern society.

Lisa Walford
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Obstacles are what you see when you fail to focus on your goals. (Sugeet)