It pains me to find posts here that damn a man for his sexual preference.
"I'm completely and thoroughly revolted," somebody wrote; "Ugh. Sick."  And
our usually level-headed moderator has likened Stephen Arlin to a Nazi.

As a gay man, I'm acutely aware of the hate so many people harbor toward
preferences different from their own.  Arlin may be a nincompoop and a
scoundrel, but let us not crucify him for romantic incorrectness.

Shame on you, my friends.  You stink of the very intolerance you are
ostensibly criticizing.  The Nazis, lest we forget, rounded up homosexuals
as well as Jews.  When you pillory a man for his choice of mates, who now
is flirting with Nazism?

You who throw stones, where will you end?  Today you impugn an ethnic
preference; what will it be tomorrow?  What if I turn down a lover who's
too fat or too young ... who eats raw flesh, or gags on it ... whose
religion I don't share?

Lay off with your puritanical taboos.  If you anathematize a private sexual
choice, may you live in the hell you are creating.


Christopher Morrill