
Liza wrote:
<< Where did you get your training or degree in Nutrition? I'm curious, since
I have not heard of any nutritionists who recommend urine drinking as part of
a healthy diet.>>

John wrote:
<< Perhaps many nutritionists get trained in outdated techniques and the
 information is, shall I say, narrow? >>

Liza writes:
I see urine as a waste product, which should not be used as food. I think the
idea of drinking it is repugnant for a reason. Under what circumstances do you
recommend urine drinking to improve health, John?

John wrote:
<<  I have found that most people will never get to a 100% or even 80% raw
diet, whether fruit or vegetable and fruit. >>

When you say "get to" that says to me that you think that they are heading in
that direction. Is this the case, or am I misinterpreting your statement? If
so, then why do you think that a raw diet is where they should be "getting
to?"  And why do you think that they should be "getting to" a vegetable and
fruit diet? I may be misreading what you've written here, but it is
assumptions such as these, preconceived notiions about what people should and
should not eat, that I have a problem with.

If you do in fact have such preconceived opinions about what types of diets
are best for all people, then I think it is your professional responsibility
as someone who is calling himself a nutritionist to let your clients know
about your opinions before they become your clients. Otherwise, you are being
dishonest about your agenda.

<< Ittakes a long time to transition to a mostly raw diet, >>

Again, this is a generalization, which, like any other generalization about
diet, is only sometimes true, for some people, some of the time. Many people
have no problem whatsoever changing to a 100% raw diet overnite.

It cannot be overemphasized enough, that every individual is unique, and their
dietary needs are entirely unique, and change over time. Any other approach to
the subject of what to eat is foolishly simplistic, and inadequate.

<< .....and not everyone can handle a fruit diet, depending on their
environment, climate, work conditions, past dietary habits, and so on. >>

Not everyone can handle ANY one diet. Fruit is not superior in any way to ANY
other food.

<< So I'm not entirely a raw-food activist at all, >>

That's good to know.

<< I just find that making contacts through such lists is useful. Right? >>

Hopefully.   I find it very useful, anyway.

<< life force?  as in RBC/Lifeforce? >>

By "RBC" do you mean "red blood count?"  That's not where I got the name. LIFE
F0RCE is the name of my company, which I have had for many years. I had a
really hard time trying to think of a name, because every name I could think
of either sounded too "medicine" related (as in sickness and disease and
hospitals etc) or too "body-builder protein-shake gym-mentality" related. It
seemed there was no name I could think of that was health sounding, and that
sounded powerful and vibrant (at least I had a heck of a time thinking of
one). I kind of saw the name as being not "green" and not "red" but something
else, and I couldn't figure out what. Then one day during a long run,  "LIFE
F0RCE"  just popped into my head out of nowhere.  I hadn't even been thinking
about it that day. The name just flew into my brain, and felt perfect,
instantly. It was funny how it happened. Everyone I told the name to thought
it was GREAT, and completely descriptive of what I do.

It was only this year (so many years later!) that I discovered that there is a
whole concept of enzymes as supposedly having some sort of a metaphysical
"life force" which they impart to our bodies and to foods that we eat. I see
the term "life force" all over the literature about raw foods. The fact that I
had chosen this name for myself, and it felt so right immmediately, makes me
wonder a little about wether there is something funky going on in the universe
that is trying to make its way into my thick and stubborn skull.  But I tend
to be a little "out there" to be honest, so I might be attributing more
significance to an insignificant coincidence than is really called for.

Anyway, that's the story of my name, and thus, my screen name. Soon I hope to
ditch aol (what a total complete nuisance aol is - and a rip to boot) and
switch to a better service, so I hope I can use the same screen name again,
but we'll see.

Love, Liza
[log in to unmask] (Liza May)