>>Here is Stephen's response to the Aryan Dating Service...

The [message/rfc822] link does not seem to work so here is Stephen's response:

>As much as some of you would like to believe, it was not I who placed the
>dating service advertisement.  I have contacted the dating service and
>requested that the ad be removed immediately.  The webmaster of the site
>is doing a trace on the email account who submitted the fictitious ad
>right now.  It doesn't surprise me at all.  This is the second time this has happened
> -- the first being a gay dating service. It's really too bad that this crap goes on,
>but it's typical in this cooked world. I think it really sucks that some of you jumped
>to conclusions without even asking me if I even placed the ad!
>To whoever placed the ads: I will find out who you are and there will be
>legal repercussions.

Comment:  I find it quite telling that nobody seems to have even questioned
the validity of the Arayan ad, yet it hardly comes as a surprise that NFL
has become the target of some loony plagiarist - like attracts like. :)
Even with no apparent connection to white supremist movement, the chilling
fact is that NFL' tactics and views are so extreme that it really does not
make a difference. This becomes even clearer if in their so-called book the
words "cooked food eaters" or "cooked food addicts" are replaced with "jews".

As unsettling as their frequent use of gestapo-like tactics of
intimidation, ridicule and threat of physical harm (especially when feeling
cornered in a discussion) is their flirting with nazi ideology. An example
of this is their embracing of the discredited science of eugenics to rid
the world of "cooked retards" and bring about the take-over of the world by
a raw, fruitarian master race. ;-)

With "friends" like this, who needs enemies. ;-)

Best, Peter
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