Speaking of potlucks...

Sunnie gets one on Sunday.
A full tray of the favorites.
I've been giving Sunnie the remains of the harvest,
seemed good enough until now.

Sunnie's pissed, though.
The screen meshed plant pen provides hours of
active frustration, its just 2 inches away,
but could as well be 2 miles.

Scraps aren't enough anymore. Sunnie wants
the real thing, the real enchilada, that
captive whole tray of sunflower sprouts to herself.
This squirrel won't settle for second
choice, even when free.

I have a few extra trays of sunflower sprouts
growing for Sunday. Tell the squirrels to come
party. Jeff, you invited too (oh yeah, I forgot
you just eat fruit, but the squirrels can lay
down their nuts for the green stuff).


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