
I was responding to the idea that people were living only on juice, or
fresh fruit and veggies. In my experience, eating these exclusively
creates some nutritional deficiencies, especially with anemia,
insufficient protein sources and insufficient EFAs.  Amino acids are
more abundant in beans and flesh foods than in fruit and veggies.  I
certainly have checked my sources - have you?  Look in any nutrition
table.  I do not think humans must get their protein only from flesh
foods, and did not say that, and do not think that, and did not imply
that with my post.  I do think consuming some flesh foods is healthy,
but more for the increased iron uptake, as iron is very prevalent
amongst those with vegan diets, and iron uptake is significantly greater
when in heme (as from flesh food) vs non heme (vegetarian )form.


Gerry Coffey wrote:
> --With all due respect, Roberta, please recheck your source(s).
> If humans must get their protein (the building blocks of  which are amino
> acids) from flesh foods, where do the animals which humans consume get their
> protein?  Cows don't eat other <<snipped>>