From:  [log in to unmask] (roberta)
 I think juice fasting is great for detoxing.  But the risk I see with
 juice fasting or veggie & fruit only diets is (1) lack of amino acids or
 protein; and (2)lack of essential fatty acids.  Both are required for
 life, and essential for good health and well being.  EFAs are found in
 fish and raw nuts.  Amino acids are found in beans and all flesh foods

-With all due respect, Roberta, please recheck your source(s).
If humans must get their protein (the building blocks of  which are amino
acids) from flesh foods, where do the animals which humans consume get their
protein?  Cows don't eat other cows (except those with Mad Cow Disease). And the
strongest animals in the world (gorillas, hippos, elephants, etc.) eat plant-
based diets.

And according to "Fit For Life," author, Harvey Diamond, there's more "bio-
available protein in a banana than there is in a steak." (Not that bananas are
one's best source of protein, just that it is more readily available for
assimilation by humans than that found in flesh foods).

Another source, Joel Fuhrman, M.D., states: "It is a mistaken notion that we
need to eat protein-concentrated foods in order to obtain the eight essential
amino acids. A thorough review of the lilterature on human protein
requirements and population studies shows that children and adults grow
Vegetables that do not contain significant amounts of all eight essential
amino acids tend to complement each other even if the amino acids are consumed
in separate meals in the same day or as much as 16 hours apart." (Note: Later
studies indicate the body contains a "pool" of fatty acids from which others
can be "balanced" over even much longer periods of time.)

Dr. Fuhrman, a former Olympic medalist and coach, recommends meals consist
"entirely of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and raw nuts and seeds
used judiciously."

Your input is appreciated, Roberta. We learn much from each other.