<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Listmembers,

Thankyou for all the responses for the above question (close to 100!)

Well the outcome was most interesting, 95% of people that replied to me had
been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism quite a while (often years) before being
confirmed with Celiac.  All said that when they were put on the gluten-free
diet and started to get better their Thyroid condition was finally regulated
- very interesting.  So all of those people must of had Celiac disease all
along and when they had that under control the hormone level didn't fluctuate
as much and therefore medication did not need to be adjusted as frequently
and they said that they felt so much better.

So does this need to be looked into with the medical profession?When they are
presented with a patient with a Thyroid condition - have a blood test taken
for Celiac and visa versa especially if that patient like myself didn't get
back to normal on just a gluten-free diet or their blood work for Thyroid
seesaws.Both conditions are auto immune diseases and it seems some people
present with more than one, some of you had multipule ones, like Diabetes and
so many more.

Why oh why does what seems to be just common sense to us lay people not seem
to be obvious to the specialists!

I hope this has been of interest to you all, thanks again,
                                          Anita   (Australia)