Concerns relative to the release of draft 11 of the strategic plan for The
District of Columbia Vision Program deserves an honest answer.  This plan, draft
11, will be submitted as my independent study project for the School of Educate,
American University.  Thereafter, I will complete the writing of this
comprehensive document sometime this summer.

It is no secret that I have requested comments for DCVP as well as outside
interest groups and individuals.  As it relates to the DCVP Local School
Restructuring Team, I would be happy to brief this body on the plan.  However,
member of this body should be aware of its components in that they are the
governing body of DCVP.  I will only provide a copy of the strategic plan if the
LSRT submits a written request and is open to cohesive dialogue.

I thank you again for your support.

Thomas Lee McKeithan II
Consultant, DC Public Schools-DC Vision Program
(202)291-3844 (Voice)
(202)722-7513 (FAX)
[log in to unmask]
-----Original Message-----
From: Freddie L. Peaco <[log in to unmask]>
To: Thomas Lee McKeithan II <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, April 30, 1998 4:24 PM
Subject: Re: DCVP Strategic Plan: Release of Draft 11

> to Whom are you releasing the draft of your plan?  I hope you will
>consider sharing it with the DC Local School Restructuring Team.  Since I
>am a community representative I am not involved in all details of school
>policy and I have not had an opportunity to ask if the team would welcome
>it.  I can only hope it would.
> Congratulation on being accepted on the special education
>committee for all special education needs.  Keep me informed.
>Freddie Peaco
>**  Freddie L. Peaco               [log in to unmask]    **
>**  Reference Section              (202) 707-0721  **
>**  National Library Service for the               **
>**    Blind and Physically Handicapped             **
>**  Washington, DC 20542                   **