<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

When I was diagnosed with type I diabetes 14 years ago, I was put on a low
protein, low fat, high fiber, high carbohydrate diet. My current diet
includes 9 complex carbs per day. The carb exchanges are spread through the
day, but primarily lump in lunch and supper. I use insulin to control blood
glucose levels, so I don't have quite the same problems as someone who is
trying to control blood glucose by diet.

I recently went to the dietician for a diabetic/celiac sprue consult. I
asked about the low carb diet, but was told to stick with my current
distribution of exchanges instead. (Of course, I'm more than a little
suspicious since the dietician offered me graham crackers for a snack while
I was there.) I'm going to try sticking with the old exchanges to see how
things go. If anything, so far I'm seeing more daytime insulin reactions
and fewer nighttime insulin reactions. Since I was interested in losing
weight (10 pounds), she reviewed my calorie counts and *added 140 more c
alories* (thanks so much).

I'm curious about some alternate flours. I've read that spelt is bad and
that teff is unknown, but have seen no reference to quinoa. I suspect that
it's a no-no, but would appreciate any further insights on teff and quinoa.
