Personally, I disagree with Victor Herbert's politics, namely his anti-
alternative health views. However, Herbert is a respected researcher
in the area of vitamin B-12, and we should try to separate our
views of his politics, and our views of his B-12 research. His
research is published in peer-reviewed, established scientific
journals. (Do his critics on the B-12 issue, meet that standard?)

A further complication here is that Herbert's research shows that true
B-12 is not available in the only natural plant foods (algaes) that
contain it. This information upsets the radical vegan crowd, who will
go to any lengths (including, in some cases, lying and putting the health
of others at risk) to "prove" that veganism is natural. So, some of the
attacks on Herbert may be motivated by the venom of radical vegans
clinging to the myth that vegan diets are natural.

And yes, I agree that dishonest plagiarists like NFL do far more damage
to raw and alternative health, than Herbert does. People look at the
toxic trio, and assume that all rawists/alternative health types are
wacko fanatics. Further, the mentally unbalanced crank science types pushing
bizarre "protein is toxic" theories are yet another embarassment to
the raw/alternative health movements.

Tom Billings
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