Hi Gerry,

> For the record, Liza, it's not the meat that tastes good, it's all the
>things  that have been done to it to enhance it's flavor.

Sure, if you eat conventionally.
But for me some unmodified meat and fish tasted great,
better than anything cooked I ever ate.

> How many people would enjoy slaughtering and then eating the flesh of the
> animal they slaughtered all bloody and foul smelling.

It is not foul smelling. The last goose I carved up
smelled great, nothing foul about it. And, by the
way, our ancestors were, for a long time, more
gatherers than hunters. The killing was done by the
predators, we ate what was left behind, while it
was still somewhat fresh. After us, the hyenas and
vultures cleaned up. So most raw foodist like the
ripened meat more than the fresh.

And I would never eat meat that was mixed with any-
thing or modified in any way. That is much to
dangerous because it misleads the natural instinct,
so that too much meat is eaten.
