The following is a copy of something I posted to another list, and I thought
it might be of interest here. I'd love to hear comments!!

Love, Liza
[log in to unmask] (Liza May)

<< 28-year-old fitness instructor who had taken around 35 caffeine

Hmmmmmm.....Maybe he had overtrained, then had to function on the job? Could

>From my experience, there is a funny kind of resistance in the "muscle"
community to paying much attention to diet. I think (this is only a theory -
lots of musing  about why this is so) that it's almost a male-female kind of
thing, where the fitness community has its roots in the male
strength-building type of mindset, and the alternative health community, and field of
nutrition, is more female (women have tended to the food?).

At other times I've thought there is a class issue going on - where the
excercise community (and team sports, etc) is more middle class, and
hamburgers (and meat eating in general) are a badge of this and a source of
pride; whereas the "health" community is the more privliged upper-middle
class who can afford disposable income expenditures on alternative health
modalities, and can not only pay attention to nutrition but can afford to
buy superior quality food, organic, supplements, etc. Here again the hamburger
is a symbol, but instead of inspiring pride it's the object of ridicule and the
embodiment of all the ignorance, corruption, victimization, and mistakes of
modern society.

This is actually the topic of a chapter of my book.

Anyway - all this means that lots of male and female fitness trainers either
intentionally or unintentionally don't pay attention to nutrition. So I'm
surprised about the mega caffeine!!

Love, Liza
[log in to unmask] (Liza May)